Access Keys:

Whiteabbey Primary School, Newtownabbey

Daily Routine



Morning Club Commences


Playground Supervision Commences


Lessons begin


Break time


Lunch time


P1-P3 Home time (P1-P7 on Fridays)


P4-P7 Home time


Buddies Daycare Closes

NOTE: P1 Children go home at 12:15pm up until the end of the second week of September.

School begins promptly at 8.50am. Parents are welcome to bring younger children to school via the Junior door (right hand front doors). Once normal routines commence, we ask children to walk from the school door or playground gate (for older children) to their classroom on their own.

We ask parents to contact the school office via ParentMail if a child is absent from school.

Break Time:

We encourage our children to bring a healthy break to school. Milk is available for those who wish to have it.  Our children may also bring fruit juice or water. In addition to drinks at break and lunchtime, children may keep a bottle of water in their bag to drink during the day. Please ensure that the bottle is a leak-proof sports type and that they are able to use it independently.  We are also a Nut Aware School so we would ask for no nuts in children's foods, snacks and treats.

Weather permitting, children will play outside at break time. If your child is unwell and unable to go out please inform the class teacher.

Lunch Time:

Our school canteen provides healthy hot meals in the Dining hall. A menu is available in the documents section of our website to regularly chat through with your children. Dinners are paid for through ParentMail and currently cost £2.60 per day.  Parents can top up credits as and when required and we only remove credits when the child has had a dinner.

Children may bring a  packed lunch. This will be eaten in the child’s classroom under supervision – 15 minutes is generally allocated for eating lunch.


Mobile phones & other devices:

Our school does not permit or encourage our children to have mobile phones or similar devices in school at any time.  If a parent needs temporary flexibility to this policy then they should contact the Principal in advance who will make arrangements that safeguard all our children. In the rare occasion of a parent needing to contact their child during our school day then they should do so through the school office.