Arriving & Departing School

At the beginning and end of the school day the Old Manse Road becomes a very busy road. It is important therefore for the safety of all our children that we show consideration for both road users and residents, and follow a few simple rules:
1. A voluntary one way traffic system operates at the start and end of the school day. Cars enter the Old Manse Road from the Circular Road and leave through the village.
2. Do not stop opposite the school gates as this not only prevents the free flow of traffic but puts your child at risk crossing a very busy road.
3. Do not stop on the zigzag lines at the school gates as this prevents other drivers having a clear view of the school entrances.
4. Children should always enter or leave your car on the pavement side.
If we all follow these simple rules and take care around the school we can ensure the safety of all our pupils.
For our children's safety we also highlight .....
- The main school gate is used only for staff parking and delivery vehicles. Children & parents must not walk through the car park to enter or leave the school grounds. They should enter school grounds by the two pedestrian gates, P1M, all P2 and P3W children by the upper gate P1B/M, P3H and P4-P7 all by the lower gate that takes pedestrians into our Senior Playground.
- A buzzer security system operates at entrance doors. All visitors arriving during the school day must report to the office.
- Younger children are escorted to the school door and senior children to the security gate. Children being picked up from school are reminded never to leave the grounds until the person collecting them arrives. Parents should let the school office know if they are delayed.
- Playground supervisors are vigilant to the safety of our children at all times. For our children's safety, and to avoid embarrassment, We ask that adults do not talk to children through the railings at break and lunchtime.
Whiteabbey Primary School,20-30 Old Manse Road, Whiteabbey, County Antrim BT37 0RU
Phone: 028 9086 2185